Health and Safety
Please click on each arrow to reveal information relating to the service
Accident Investigation
CPSUK Ltd can assist you with the reporting of health and safety incidents relating to your organisation.
We will liaise with enforcing authorities, investigate accidents and, in the event of a prosecution, act as expert witnesses.
Our in-house health and safety consultants will respond rapidly to get your business up and running in the event of an improvement or prohibition notice.
To discuss our Accident Investigation Service in more detail, please call our consultant team.
Since the introduction of the HASAWA 1974 you are legally required to provide written documentation of all health and safety policies and procedures.
We can help you with production of any health and safety documentation that you need, including:
- Health and Safety Policies and Procedures
- Management Structures and Defined Responsibilities
- Risk, COSHH, Noise, Manual Handling, Fire and Display Screen Assessments
- Recording and reporting procedures as required
- CPSUK Ltd will update your documents to reflect changes in your organisation and legislation
All written work is guaranteed to satisfy the most stringent requirements.
Health and Safety Policies

CPSUK Ltd design bespoke health and safety policies for installation across all premises and activities, providing clients with the security that they are doing the very best to protect staff and satisfy their legal requirements.
Your tailored health and safety policy will be produced following a thorough process of premises inspection, assessment of procedures, document audit and the identification of training requirements.
Your health and safety policy will cover:
- The Health and Safety Policy Statement
- The management organisation and structure for health and safety
- The health and safety responsibilities of individuals
- The health and safety rules - the working practices procedures and accompanying guidance expected to be kept by staff, visitors and contractors
- Risk assessment procedures and a set of generic risk assessments
- Accident and disease reporting procedures, occupational health and first aid requirements
- Stress management policy
- Additional procedures, for example fire risk assessments, CDM compliance system, or dangerous goods management system
- Documentation will be updated in line with legislation and any changes in your workplace. All policies are backed up with our legal alert service which provides clients with information on complex and rapid changes to legislation
All written work is guaranteed to satisfy the most stringent requirements.
Method Statements
Only you know the methods you will apply to your work and therefore we can assist you to write your method statements if we can
- Visit the site
- Look at the safety elements involved
- See the construction phase safety plan
- Discuss your approach, your schedule, your allocation of resource, your interface with others
- We will input the health and safety requirements. We will generate and append the necessary risk and COSHH assessments and present the whole document in a very professional format that makes your company look good.
Site Safety Evaluation
We believe that we provide the most comprehensive and useful site visiting service available. The site visiting process is not just a policing exercise, but a prime opportunity to increase the health & safety knowledge of your team.
We walk the site with your representative and discuss not only the current health and safety situation, but also how the site will develop.
It is a simple concept, but one that works well. Whilst on site we will conduct 'toolbox' talks as necessary, and provide you with an 'on the spot' report. The quality of our work is paramount, and we will remain on site as long as it takes.
Site Inspections
Our clients often comment that advice and assistance during the initial set up stages of the site ensures a firm basis on which to develop all aspects of health & safety throughout the duration of the project.
The inspection process examines both the site itself and the statutory documentation that is required during the day-to-day running of a site.
Upon completion of the site inspection, our consultant will give advice to the agent on any problems that have become apparent during the inspection, and answer questions or queries that have arisen since the previous visit.
A written report is then produced which will identify any hazards, risks or any shortfalls in the documentation. The report will also suggest any control measures that should be put in place.
Health, Safety and Environmental Audits
CPSUK Ltd can carry out a full Health & Safety Environmental Audit of your workplace be it an office, plant, warehouse, site, factory etc.
The audit will consist of a detailed inspection of:
- The working environment
- Plant and machinery
- Working practices
- Control measures
- Fire and emergency procedures
- Proactive and reactive monitoring systems
- Welfare facilities
- Supervision
- Equipment
- Documentation
- Training - a detailed summary report will then be produced outlining any problems that may have become apparent during the audit together with control measures required.
Fire Plans
Premises are often exposed to a high risk of fire without the knowledge of those whose duty it is to protect occupants, visitors, or any other person who may be exposed to danger e.g. firemen, neighbours.
During the hectic day-to-day running of a business or site, flammables accumulate, fire exits may become blocked or used for storage, fire plans and signage are not updated and extinguishers and alarms become inoperable. On construction sites this is particularly serious due to the increased risk of arson and the nature of works carried out.
Only 1 in 6 companies who suffer a major fire make a successful re-start to their business!
CPSUK Ltd will carry out a thorough inspection of your workplace and prepare a Fire Risk Assessment Plan. The Plan will advise on the control measures and training requirements needed to lower the potential risk of fire.
Appointed Safety Advisor Service

- Designated 'competent person' to meet legislation
- A resource to be called upon as and when required
- A half day for consultancy or auditing built in
- Access to unlimited telephone advice and support for no extra cost
- Priority response
Many organisations cannot justify employing their own professional staff to guide then through the maze of legislation. Those that do have the staff, often find some projects are too time consuming or require the impact of a specialist.
The service has been devised in response to the needs of our clients. Basically, this provides ongoing support for those who do not employ a health and safety professional, or is used as a back up by those employers who already have existing in house expertise.
To comply with legislation, each employer is required to appoint one or more person(s) to assist in health & safety management. We are a resource to be called upon, as and when required, and you are entitled to designate us as a 'competent person'.
Each contract is for an initial period of one year, which includes one half day of consultancy or audit built in. An important benefit is access to telephone advice and support during the life of a contract for no extra charge.
If you would like to find out more about joining the Appointed Safety Advisor Service please contact us.